

The CloudCore Router does not impose a limit on the size of responses to requests made by the REST handler. An attacker could use this weakness to make a request that will return an HTTP response with a large body and cause DoS of CloudCore. In the HTTP Handler API, the rest handler makes a request to a pre-specified handle. The handle will return an HTTP response that is then read into memory. The consequence of the exhaustion is that CloudCore will be in a denial of service.
Only an authenticated user of the cloud can make an attack. It will be affected only when users enable router module in the config file cloudcore.yaml as below.

    enable: true


This bug has been fixed in Kubeedge 1.11.1, 1.10.2, 1.9.4. Users should update to these versions to resolve the issue.


Disable the router module in the config file cloudcore.yaml.




Thanks David Korczynski and Adam Korczynski of ADA Logics for responsibly disclosing this issue in accordance with the kubeedge security policy during a security audit sponsored by CNCF and facilitated by OSTIF.

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