
The studio behind Jedi: Fallen Order and titfanfall, Respawnis currently at work on a new single-player FPS game that would take place in the universe of Apex Legends. This news, or rather this discovery, we owe it to a certain Dexerto who discovered a series of job searches posted by the studio and whose description leaves no room for hesitation since it is a question of working on a new single-player adventure game. The only thing that is not known is if it is the project already announced a year ago or if it is something new.

Already at work on several Star Wars games, Respawn therefore seems particularly active at the moment. On the other hand, it will be necessary to be rather patient before knowing more, and discovering this title which, we hope, will live up to what the first two episodes of titanfall released a few years ago, unless of course it’s titanfall 3… Hope remains.

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