
IT House News on July 13th, at 00:30 today, my country successfully launched the Tianlian-203 satellite using the Long March 3B carrier rocket at the Xichang Satellite Launch Center, and the satellite successfully entered the predetermined orbit. A complete success. IT Home has learned that this mission is the 426th flight of the Long March series of launch vehicles.

Tianlian-2 is the third satellite of my country’s second-generation geosynchronous orbit data relay satellite system. It is mainly used to provide data relay and measurement and control services for manned spacecraft such as spacecraft and medium and low orbit resource satellites. Low-orbit resource satellites provide data relay and measurement and control services, and provide measurement and control support for spacecraft launch.

On March 31, 2019, Tianlian-2 01 satellite was successfully launched, marking the beginning of the upgrading of China’s Tianlian relay satellite system; at 00:09 on December 14, 2021, my country successfully launched Tianlian-2. 02 star was launched. The satellite successfully entered the predetermined orbit, and the launch mission was a complete success.

The number of target users of the second-generation relay satellite service has been expanded, the maneuverability of satellites in orbit has been improved, and the adaptability and compatibility of satellite platforms have also been enhanced. After the Tianlian-2 03 satellite enters orbit and completes the test, it will realize global network operation with Tianlian-2 01 and 02 satellites, which can meet the global coverage of medium and low orbit spacecraft and provide 24-hour uninterrupted communication. .

The successful development of Tianlian-2-03 satellite verifies the ability of Tianlian-2 satellite to be developed rapidly, provides support for the subsequent multi-satellite rapid on-orbit networking, and further accelerates the pace of my country’s space-based measurement and control and transmission network construction.

The main task of my country’s “Skylink” relay satellite is to provide data relay and measurement and control services for spacecraft, space laboratories, space stations and other manned spacecraft, such as sky-to-earth calls, space lectures, rendezvous and docking, and out-vehicle activities. The communication is mainly completed by “Skylink” relay satellites.

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