namespace My\App;
use CuyZ\Valinor\Mapper\MappingError;
use CuyZ\Valinor\Mapper\Tree\Node;
use CuyZ\Valinor\Mapper\Tree\NodeTraverser;
use CuyZ\Valinor\MapperBuilder;
require_once __DIR__ . '/Valinor/vendor/autoload.php';
final class Money
private function __construct(public readonly string $amount)
public static function fromString(string $money): self
if (1 !== \preg_match('/^\d+ [A-Z]{3}$/', $money)) {
throw new \InvalidArgumentException(\sprintf('Given "%s" is not a recognized monetary amount', $money));
return new self($money);
class Foo
public function __construct(
private readonly Money $a,
private readonly Money $b,
private readonly Money $c,
) {}
$mapper = (new MapperBuilder())
->registerConstructor([Money::class, 'fromString'])
try {
var_dump($mapper->map(Foo::class, [
'a' => 'HAHA',
'b' => '100 EUR',
'c' => 'USD 100'
} catch (MappingError $e) {
$messages = (new NodeTraverser(function (Node $node) {
foreach ($node->messages() as $message) {
return '';
Now, this is quite innocent: it produces following output:
❯ php value-object-conversion.php
array(3) {
string(8) "$message"
string(1) "a"
string(48) "Given "HAHA" is not a recognized monetary amount"
array(3) {
string(8) "$message"
string(1) "c"
string(51) "Given "USD 100" is not a recognized monetary amount"
The problem is that nowhere I told valinor that it could use Throwable#getMessage()
This is a problem with cases where you get:
- an SQL exception showing an SQL snippet
- a DB connection exception showing DB ip address/username/password
- a timeout detail / out of memory detail (exploring DDoS possibilities)
This allows for potential data exfiltration, DDoS, enumeration attacks, etc.