
This part of the Walkthrough Elden Ring is devoted to Magic and Skills that it is possible to collect during the adventure. Here you will find the location of each of these elements as well as information on the enemies holding them.

These elements influence sorceries, incantations and skills (speed bonus, damage, duration of effects, etc.).

Talisman in
Canvas of the flock
Location Effect
Quest for
Gowry the Wise
Incantations +8% Dmg
Radagon Icon
Location Effect
Academy of
Raya Lucaria
Spells + incantations
Speed ​​Boost
(+30 dexterity)
pet jar
Location Effect
Kid’s Quest Throwing pots +20% Dmg
Emblem of
Watermark Caria
Location Effect
Sold by Iji in the
quest frame
by Blaidd
Cost in CP -25%
Jar Warrior
Location Effect
Recovered by killing
Alexander before the
end of his quest
+10% DMG
of Alexander
Location Effect
Alexander’s Quest Skills
+15% DMG

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