
Many people in many places have been diagnosed with heat stroke, and some people have died. Sichuan West China Hospital admitted 3 cases in one day: how to prevent it from popular science by experts

According to surging news reports, recently, many hospitals in Zhejiang have sent heatstroke patients to the hospital in a row, and many people have been diagnosed with heat stroke and have died. In addition, there were also confirmed cases in Nanjing and Sichuan. What is heat stroke? How to defend?

Wu Jianrong, an emergency doctor at Lishui Central Hospital in Zhejiang Province, told reporters, “A 49-year-old male patient was brought by a worker on the afternoon of the 6th. He suddenly passed out while working in the workshop. When he was admitted to the hospital, his body temperature was 40.7°C and he was in shock.”

A man in Zhengzhou, Henan Province suddenly fell into a coma due to heatstroke and was sent to the ICU ward of the hospital for rescue. The doctor monitored his core temperature to reach 42.3 degrees, and all the organs in the body seemed to have been “boiled” in water. .

A 37-year-old renovation worker in Jiangsu was diagnosed with heat stroke after working for 4 consecutive hours with dizziness and frequent vomiting.

according toRed Star NewsAccording to reports, the reporter learned from West China Hospital of Sichuan University that on July 10, the hospital admitted 3 patients who were referred for heat stroke in a row. Sudden arrest, despite all efforts to rescue, but unfortunately died.

Many people in many places have been diagnosed with heat stroke, and some people have died. Sichuan West China Hospital admitted 3 cases in one day: how to prevent it from popular science by experts

What exactly is heat stroke and how can it be prevented?Heat stroke is the most dangerous and severe form of heat stroke, with a high fatality rate. It is a serious and fatal disease caused by heat damage factors acting on the body. The typical symptoms of imbalance are an increase in core temperature >40°C, abnormalities in the central nervous system, such as altered mental status, convulsions, or coma, accompanied by multiple organ damage, which can be life-threatening in severe cases.

High temperature and high humidity climate and high-intensity physical activity are the main risk factors for heat stroke. Young people, pregnant women, the elderly and the frail, or individuals with chronic underlying diseases or impaired immune function will be the key targets of injury .

In this regard, Kong Wanquan, deputy director of the emergency department of the Second Affiliated Hospital of Wenzhou Medical University, said that the longer the core temperature of the human body exceeds 40 °C, the more severe the damage to the organs, such as the liver, kidneys, heart muscle, skeletal muscle and brain. In severe cases, if treatment is delayed, even if a life is saved, there may be serious sequelae. Therefore, the doctor reminds that in the hot summer, if you find someone around you with high fever, no sweat, or disturbance of consciousness, do not hesitate to seek medical attention immediately.

How can ordinary citizens prevent heat stroke?Outdoor workers should take appropriate rest when working in high temperature, and the intensity of labor should be gradual. After sweating a lot, they should replenish water in time and effectively. It is necessary to minimize staying outdoors for a long time in the hot sun. If you work under high temperature for a long time, you should replenish water and fluids in time. If you feel unwell, you should move to a cool place, lower your body temperature, and transfer to a hospital as soon as possible.

In addition, the elderly and children staying at home, as well as some groups with underlying diseases, are also high-risk groups of heat stroke, and they should pay more attention to heatstroke prevention. In the case of conditions, you can turn on the air conditioner at home to cool down, or open the window for ventilation.

The elderly do not like to turn on the air conditioner. The ambient temperature and humidity are high, and they are prone to heat stroke. This should also be paid special attention.

Heat stroke is not achieved overnight. In fact, heat damage factors act on the body and cause a series of pathophysiological changes. There is a continuous process from light to severe, including threatened heat stroke, mild heat stroke and severe heat stroke, collectively referred to as heat stroke. cause disease. Heat stroke is the most serious type of severe heat stroke. As long as it is handled and treated in time in the early stage of heat stroke, the occurrence of heat stroke can be avoided to the greatest extent.

“Three heatstroke, in a high temperature and high humidity environment, headache, dizziness, sweating, fatigue, inability to concentrate, etc., should quickly move to a cool place, avoid direct sunlight, and replenish water in time And salt, can effectively relieve.”

Jiang Zhen, the attending physician of the emergency department of West China Hospital of Sichuan University, explained that if premonitory heatstroke is not detected and treated in time, it will progress to mild heatstroke. Profuse sweating, and in severe cases, symptoms of prostration such as pale complexion, cold sweating, and unsteady standing appear. At this time, if mild heatstroke is treated and treated in time, the condition can still be quickly relieved, but if it is not paid attention to and develops to severe heatstroke, the condition will deteriorate rapidly and the prognosis will be poor.

“Severe organ function damage will occur, and the central nervous system will bear the brunt. Typical symptoms are disturbance of consciousness or even coma. Convulsions may also occur. CT examination shows brain edema.” Jiang Zhen said, followed by coagulation disorders and rhabdomyolysis. Impaired renal function or even acute renal failure.In addition, damage to the liver, respiration, circulation, and gastrointestinal tract will occur.

Many people in many places have been diagnosed with heat stroke, and some people have died. Sichuan West China Hospital admitted 3 cases in one day: how to prevent it from popular science by experts

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