―Kevin Chen Images / Shutterstock.com

The overturning of the Roe vs. Wade decision, which granted American women the right to abort, caused a huge controversy in the world. From now on, the United States Postal Service, the American equivalent of the French Post Office, could be highly monitored by states that prohibit the voluntary termination of pregnancy.

Postal services to help women who wish to have an abortion

Many American women who wish to have a pregnancy termination in the United States opt for the drug route. Due to the Covid-19 pandemic, the authorities have accepted the shipment of abortion pills by post since December 2021. In this way, women could receive the drugs at home after a remote consultation.

Since the cancellation of the Roe vs. Wade judgment, several states have banned abortion on their territory. Thus, shipping abortion pills by post is also prohibited in these states. However, there are several alternatives for receiving medicines at home, such as sending them to an authorized address before discreetly sending them back to the desired address.

Abortion manifestation
― Rena Schild / Shutterstock.com

Several alternatives to bans

States that are against abortion will therefore need to increase oversight by the United States Postal Service. However, it seems difficult, if not nearly impossible, to set up a monitoring system to monitor the millions of packages shipped every day in the United States. Moreover, according to the American media QuartzUS authorities are already struggling to prevent the circulation by post of fentanyl, a powerful painkiller whose misuse can have serious consequences.

Measures have nevertheless been put in place by the States concerned. They have closed the abortion centers on their territory and prohibited remote consultation concerning a termination of pregnancy. However, once again, this prohibition can be circumvented, in particular by using a simple VPN.

This proves that the new bans do not prevent women from having abortions. Currently, abortion rights advocates are planning to deploy solutions such as setting up mobile clinics in several strategic locations.

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