
You probably did not miss the tornado Arcanethe Netflix phenomenon series from the universe of League of Legends which has managed to appeal to an audience far beyond the borders of players and players of the title of Riot Games. The aesthetics of the series made an impression, as did its credits, interpreted by the group Imagine Dragons, which is still in the minds of many fans. And the latter have talent, since one of them had fun recreating this credits, but with the characters of the series Mass Effect.

Mass Effect meets Arcane

A series Mass Effect in the style ofArcane, does that tell you? Anyway, that’s what I imagined. ZeoNyph by posting on Reddit his simply amazing work, where he managed to recreate the credits of the Netflix series, but replacing all the characters with the cult heroes and villains of the universe of Mass Effect.

A work of titan, which allows to see Shepard, Liara, Garrus, Kaiden, or even Tali in place of Jinx, Vi, Heimerdinger and company. ZeoNyph explains that he exported the weapons directly from the games, while he had to retouch the characters himself to make them look like those that can be seen in the credits ofArcane. Nice job!

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