
Yesterday we wrote that BMW has started with subscriptions for various functions in its cars. It turns out that this also exists and rolls here in Sweden! These are mostly services in the form of software such as high beam assistant, active cruise control, sound that will make the driving experience more glorious and real-time updating of traffic information.

But there are also things that are more hardware. Among other things, you can subsequently buy for steering wheel heating and adaptive m-chassis. Steering wheel heat can be understood, it may not cost much more to deliver all cars with the same steering wheel, but a chassis feels a little more strange.

Some services, such as the chassis, can only be purchased once and then you have it forever. Other services, such as steering wheel heating, you can try for a month and then choose to pay for a month, a year or three years. Or if you want forever. Just steering wheel heating costs SEK 95 for a month, SEK 950 for one year, SEK 1,700 for three years and SEK 2,400 forever.

What services and functions are available and what they cost depends on what car you have and what exactly it has been delivered with. It will be interesting to see how this is used.


Bil, Alfa Romeo,

BMW, steering wheel heating, subscriptions

In Korea you can buy things for your BMW digitally

In retrospect, on subscription

Just get used to it, because in the future we will buy cars that have a lot of features that are physically available but that will need to be unlocked digitally. It can be CarPlay or tail heating for example. Now BMW has started with this in Korea. The principle is that you test for a month and then you can pay per month, for six months, for a year, for three years or forever. The disadvantage of this is, of course, that the companies will squeeze money out of just about all the functions that might otherwise have come in the base price or in different packages. The advantage is that you do not have to pay for the functions when ordering the car. Things like heat in the seats or steering wheel, you may not want to pay money for if you live in warm countries or only have winter one month a year. Then a temporary subscription can be smart. But you can guess that those things that are put in the cars will cost us consumers money even if you do not pay for them …

13.4 °

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