
According to the website of the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security, the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security, the State Administration of Market Supervision and Administration, and the National Bureau of Statistics jointly launched the revision of the “People’s Republic of China Occupational Classification Ceremony (2015 Edition)” and announced relevant new occupational information to the public.

in18 new career information such as homestay housekeepers will be publicized to the society as the first batch, and opinions will be widely solicited.

The Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security stated that with the introduction and implementation of the “Family Education Promotion Law” and the implementation of “double reduction” and other policies,It is necessary to establish the occupational attributes of the instructors engaged in family education and research trips, and to define occupational work tasks.

Based on this, experts and relevant departments put forward “family education instructor“”Research travel instructor“2 new careers.

Furthermore, in order toThe homestay industry that meets the individual needs of the majority of tourism consumers is boomingand the increasing demand in recent years”Homestay Butler“Can be established as a profession.

After the new career information is publicized for comments, revised and improved, it will be officially included in the new edition of the ceremony.

In the next step, the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security will organize the formulation of new occupational standards in conjunction with relevant departments, and at the same time widely solicit new occupational standards or evaluation norms from the society, and guide training institutions to carry out training in accordance with national occupational standards.

These 18 new occupations have promoted the diversification of social division of labor and brought more opportunities to the employed. Are you interested in any of them?

The Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security released 18 new occupations such as homestay housekeepers. Would you choose?

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Editor in charge: Antlersarticle error correction

Hashtag: Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security work occupation employment

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