
On June 13, the European Space Agency released the third batch of Milky Way detection data, which is also the most detailed map of the Milky Way galaxy to date.

It is understood that the data used the “Gaia” space probe, which cost 2 billion pounds and was launched in 2013 to make high-precision observations of millions of stars in the Milky Way in order to obtain information about the mysterious clues to dark matter and dark energy.

The great thing about the Gaia probe is that itEquipped with a super camera called a “gigapixel array”, known as the “eye of Gaia”is a digital imaging system built by the European Space Agency with unprecedented observation resolution.

In the future, the Gaia space probe will continue to scan the sky until it runs out of fuel in 2025.

It is understood that the data released this time covers “Gaia”The latest data collected on about 2 billion stars, including their chemical composition, temperature, color, mass, age, and radial velocity (the speed at which stars approach or move away from us).

The new data released this time also includes information on more than 800,000 galactic binary star systems and 156,000 asteroids and other celestial bodies in the solar system, as well as information on about 2.9 million galaxies and 1.9 million quasars outside the Milky Way.

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