
IT House reported on June 14th, according to Science and Technology Daily, a few days ago, Professor Zhang Tongjie, chief scientist of the Chinese Extraterrestrial Civilization Research Group of the Cosmology and Extraterrestrial Civilization Research Group of the Department of Astronomy of Beijing Normal University, revealed that his team used the “Chinese Sky Eye” to discover the a few casesPossible technological traces and extraterrestrial civilization candidate signals from beyond Earth.

Zhang Tongjie said that these are several narrow-band electromagnetic signals that are different from the past, and the team is currently working hardFurther investigationmiddle. “

IT House learned that the Five-hundred-meter Aperture Spherical Telescope (FAST), known as the “China’s Sky Eye”, was conceived by Chinese astronomer Nan Rendong in 1994 and took 22 years to complete. , opened on September 25, 2016. Led by the National Astronomical Observatory of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, it is the largest single-aperture and most sensitive radio telescope in the world with my country’s independent intellectual property rights. The comprehensive performance is ten times that of the famous radio telescope Arecibo.

On January 11, 2020, the “China Sky Eye” 500-meter-aperture spherical radio telescope was officially opened for operation through national acceptance.

In September 2020, “China Sky Eye” officially launched the search for extraterrestrial civilizationsthe search methods are mainly synchronous sky survey and exoplanet target observation.

In addition, according to CCTV News, citing the Nihon Keizai Shimbun report on June 6, the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency’s asteroid probe Hayabusa 2 brought back to Earth from the asteroid “Ryugu” in the sand samples,Discovered the “source of life” – amino acids.This is the first time the existence of amino acids has been confirmed outside of Earth.

Hayabusa2: Japan's 2nd Asteroid Sample Mission | Space

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