Capcom has revealed various surprises during its Showcase celebrado hace unas horas. The brands are located in Resident Evilfrom the DLC to Resident Evil 8the launch of the better versions of RE7, RE2R y RE3R or a new visitation of Resident Evil 4 Remake. One of the highlights that many fans will hope for is the presentation of Dragon’s Dogma 2but it seems that no tendremos que esperar mucho para saber ms de la saga.
Well done, Arisen!
Announced at the #CapcomShowcaseprepare for the “10 Years of Dragons Dogma” digital event!June 16
3:00 PM PDT / 11:00 PM BST– Dragon’s Dogma (@DragonsDogma) June 13, 2022
The company has announced 10 Years of Dragon’s Dogmaa new event que celebrates the 16th of June at 23:59 on the pencil case. Take a 12-minute tour and watch it on Youtube, from the Capcom account or from Dragon’s Dogma. There is no sliding slide about the announcement of the sequelbut this will be the best moment for some type of teaser.
“Have a week celebrating the 10th anniversary of Dragon’s Dogma“, said the director of the game, Hideaki Itsuno.”The world of Dragon’s Dogma has been extended by various mediafrom games like Dragon’s Dogma and the expansion Dark Arisen, a cmics and an original animated series from Netflix. In the prximos das lanzaremos un vdeo que celebra los 10 aos de Dragon’s Dogmahablaremos de cmo y en qu se ha convertido Dragon’s Dogma. Seas un fan veterano o tengas curiosidad por la saga, tenemos algo para que disfrutes“.
The rumors about Dragon’s Dogma 2
Since Itsuno term Devil May Cry 5 it has been rumored that its next project was a new entry from the world-wide RPG, and rumors have it that the new RE Engine technology will be used. Itsuno never hid his interest in becoming a fantasy of Dragon’s Dogmawhich was one of Capcom’s surprise mayors in the last decade.
“Dragon’s Dogma: Dark Arisen is an excellent game, and probably one of the best Capcom licenses licensed in the last decade to Dead Rising. With superior aspects but with sufficient quality as for the virtues to be challenged by any of the defects, this ‘occidental role game played by the Japanese’ would be an opportunity at sea or the chosen platform “, we will see in one of its analysis.
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