
As a legend in the digital industry, various relics of Jobs have a very strong demand in the collection market, as well as high transaction prices. Recently, an Apple check signed by Steve Jobs showed up at auction and received a very high valuation. It is reported that the check, priced at $9.18, is not only signed by Jobs himself, but also has the title “Apple Computer Company” and is dated July 23, 1976, the year Apple was founded. Therefore, its corresponding address is also Apple’s first official address “770 Welch Rd., Ste. 154, Palo Alto”, which is Jobs’ garage. This well-preserved and commemorative check was valued at $25,000 (about 168,800 yuan), more than 2,700 times its face value. In addition to this check, the auction will include a working Apple-1 computer with Jobs’ hand-numbered, working Apple-1 computer, and an era that also bears Jobs’ signature.
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