
Regarding the protagonists, “Star Ocean: The Divine Force” stays true to the series story and offers you with Raymond and Laeticia two playable characters with individual stories. In two matching trailers, the two heroes are introduced to you in more detail.

With “Star Ocean: The Divine Force”, the long-lived role-playing series from Tri-Ace is entering its next round this fall. While various innovations and improvements are promised in the gaming area, the developers of Tri-Ace are guided by the roots of the “Star Ocean” series when telling the story.

As usual, you are faced with the task of choosing between two characters at the beginning of your adventure. If you choose Raymond, you will join an advanced civilization and experience a story that is mainly characterized by science fiction elements.

Laeticia, the second playable character, hails from a backward rural planet and features a story inspired by classic fantasy RPGs. Freshly released trailers introduce you to the two heroes of “Star Ocean: The Divine Force” today.

Two heroes with different characteristics

Raymond is the captain of the merchant ship Ydas and is officially described as a short-tempered character who sets out to travel through space and trade with different civilizations with the Yda. One fateful day, the Yda is attacked by the Federation ship Astoria and stranded on the fourth planet of the Aster star system. There, Raymond’s first task is to survive and reunite with his friends.

As the princess of the kingdom of Aucerius, Laeticia tends to be of a quieter nature and relies primarily on diplomacy. In combat, on the other hand, the heroine has, according to the developers, “remarkable dexterity” in handling her dual blades. When Raymond and Laeticia cross paths, it quickly becomes clear that the two heroes have no choice but to come to terms with each other’s peculiarities.

More news about Star Ocean: The Divine Force:

Star Ocean: The Divine Force will be available on October 27, 2022 for PC, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox One and Xbox Series X/S.

More news about Star Ocean: The Divine Force.

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