
Full-blooded resurrection of Meizu’s first free battery replacement models announced: Meizu 15, Meizu Note3 are listed

Not long ago, Meizu held a new product launch conference for the new summer wonders.Officially launched the product renewal plan: free battery replacement.In this product renewal plan, Meizu will launch battery replacement services in batches according to the needs of users of different models.

It is learned from Meizu’s official website that the first batch of models intended to participate in free battery replacement have been officially announced, including:Meizu Note3, Meizu Note5, Meizu Note6, Meizu Note8, Meizu 6, Meizu S6, Meizu 15, Meizu 15 Plus, Meizu 16th, Meizu 16th Plus, Meizu 16T, Meizu 16s, Meizu 16s Pro, Meizu 17, Meizu 17 Pro.

The registration time for the first batch of free battery replacement models is from 19:30 on June 9, 2022 to 24:00 on June 18, 2022.Participating mobile phones should have been activated for more than one year before registration.

According to the official introduction, the SN number of the mobile phone participating in the activity should be the same as the one bound to the Flyme account and mobile phone number. The same user can replace up to 3 mobile phone batteries that meet the activity standards bound to his account for free. At the same time, participate in the free battery replacement The mobile phone must be able to be turned on and used normally.

It is worth mentioning that after the registration is successful, after the sharing activity is linked to other users or other social platforms, the system will issue a 50 yuan Meizu Mall exclusive coupon within 7 working days to the mobile phone number submitted by the user. In the Flyme account, the coupon is valid for 30 days, and the coupon can be used to purchase four models of Meizu 18X, Meizu 18s, Meizu 18s Pro, and Meizu 18 Pro.

Meizu free battery replacement first batch model registration:Click here to enter

Full-blooded resurrection of Meizu's first free battery replacement models announced: Meizu 15, Meizu Note3 are listed

If you need to reprint, please be sure to indicate the source: Fast Technology

Responsible editor: Shi Qiarticle error correction


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