
IT House reported on July 13 that Netflix’s “Resident Evil” drama series will be launched on July 14, and IGN rated the drama 7 points (GOOD).

According to IGN, the film is divided into two timelines, one of which is more engaging and interesting.Despite the differences in the quality of the two timelines, the way and continuity in the show’s adaptation of the game’s events as a storyline is impressive.If you’re an Albert Wesker fan, you’ll love this show.

Resident Evil Episode Trailer:

IT House understands that Netflix first announced the series in August 2020, and said it will span two timelines, one with teens Jade Wesker and Billie Wesker moving to New Raccoon City; the other in In the future, Jade and others survive on a zombie-infested Earth. According to reports, the story of the show takes place during the period of Resident Evil: Village.

The first season of the show has 8 episodes, starring Lance Reddick, Ella Balinska, Tamara Smart, Siena Agudong and more. The series is produced by Constantine Pictures.

“Resident Evil” episode stills:

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