
On June 14, Megvii Technology issued an obituary. Sun Jian, the chief scientist of Megvii and the president of the Megvii Research Institute, passed away in the early morning of June 14, 2022 at the age of 45 due to a sudden illness. It is reported that Sun Jian was born in Xi’an, Shaanxi Province in 1977. In addition to his position in Megvii, he was also the first dean of the School of Artificial Intelligence of Xi’an Jiaotong University. Sun Jian was admitted to Xi’an Jiaotong University in 1993 and completed his bachelor’s, master’s and doctoral degrees. After graduating from the Institute of Artificial Intelligence and Robotics of Xi’an Jiaotong University with a Ph.D. in 2003, Jian Sun has been working at Microsoft Research Asia as a chief researcher. His main research interests are computational photography, face recognition and deep learning-based image understanding. In 2015, the team led by Sun Jian won five championships in the International Image Recognition Competition (ImageNet classification, detection and localization, MS COCO detection and segmentation). In July 2016, Sun Jian officially joined Megvii Technology as chief scientist and head of Megvii Research. Sun Jian is fully responsible for the research and development of Megvii technology. Under his leadership, Megvii Research Institute has developed ShuffleNet, an efficient convolutional neural network for mobile terminals, and open source deep learning .
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