
Instagram is gradually becoming a safer place for teens and is providing new tools for parents to control their child’s experience. According to the company’s blog post today, Meta is introducing new parental control features to Instagram.

Advanced Parental Controls on Instagram

In the app, parents and guardians can now send invitations to their teens to activate these surveillance tools. Previously, only teenagers could send invitations to a parent or guardian. Parents can now restrict their teen’s use of Instagram by setting specific times and days they’d like to apply the restrictions. In addition, they can now see detailed information about when a teen reports an account or post, such as whose account was reported and what type of report.

These parental control updates are now available on the Instagram app in the US. Later this month, the update will be released in the UK, Japan, Australia, Ireland, Canada, France, and Germany. Other countries will receive the update later this year.

Additional features to enhance the teen experience

In addition to the new parental controls, Instagram has added more features. Some countries have a new feature for teens called “nudge”. If a teen consistently views the same content, Instagram will “nudge” the user to explore new topics in the Explore tab.

A teen version of the new Take a Break feature will also be launched soon. This will remind teens to enable this feature if they have been playing videos for a certain period of time. It is currently being tested in the US, UK, Ireland, Canada and New Zealand, with other countries coming soon.


Personally, I think that some of these features will annoy teenagers. Also, if the parent isn’t on Instagram themselves, what good is that? However, this seems to work; in a blog post Meta mentions an example from internal and external research. For example, 58.2% of respondents to one study found that nudges improved their social media engagement. Users said they became more mindful of their time when navigating social media. Overall, I’d love to hear firsthand what users think of these new parental controls.

What do you think of these new parental controls for Instagram? Do you think they will be effective in monitoring your teen’s experience on the app?

The post New Parental Controls on Instagram appeared first on Gamingsym.