
If you ask which game is the most well-known in the field of model flying and has the best overall quality, then “Microsoft Flight Simulation” must be able to get a lot of nominations. This mock-flying game developed by Microsoft has an excellent degree of fidelity and reduction, and finds a balance between hard-core simulation and leisure entertainment, supplemented by a good level of graphics, making mock-flying enthusiasts and Ordinary players can enjoy it. However, because there is no official Chinese for the game, many domestic players who want to try are defeated by the baptism of the game’s “massive” proper nouns. Recently, in the latest “World Update 10”, Microsoft finally added simplified Chinese support to “Microsoft Flight Simulation”. In addition to the official Chinese language, the update also brings a view of the American Southwest based on high-resolution MSI and aerial images, enhanced modeling of 12 cities including San Diego, Albany, and Seattle, as well as a host of other new content. .
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