
Recently, “Honor of Kings” officially announced that it will upgrade the hero Ake’s skin, Night Catgirl, and released the effects of the research and development process. Before April 2017, Ake was still called “Jing Ke”. In history, Jing Ke was also a very famous assassin, but he was a man, and Jing Ke in the game was a woman, which caused parents to complain and even Named and criticized by People’s Daily: Can children learn history well after playing this game? Back to the dark night catgirl skin, the King of Glory official optimized the texture of the clothing on the basis of retaining the original theme and image recognition, and added translucent mesh and a small amount of lace design to the high-gloss leather tights to highlight the character’s sexy The temperament makes the catgirl elegant and neat in the dark night. The video also creates a sense of technology through the design of carbon fiber materials and mechanical cat ears in the clothing. The element of “cat” is also added to the weapon, echoing the theme of the skin, and the technological honeycomb light effect makes the weapon more eye-catching. Interestingly, the design team also tried to add the setting of “cat follower”, which is a little fat cat whose personality is completely opposite to that of the cat girl.
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