
The rise of international geopolitical tensions and the coronavirus pandemic have shown Europe’s dependence and fragility in the face of electronic chip supplies from Asia.

At a time of relocations, the European authorities have agreed on a plan and financing which should remake the Old Continent into a component production zone, with the objective of representing 20% ​​of world production by 2030 within the framework of the Chips Act.

Intel will take advantage of this opportunity to set up a site in Germany, in Magdeburg, but it is now rumored that STMicroelectronics and GlobalFoundries are in discussions to create their own installation in France.

According Bloombergthe two companies want to support their project on the envelope of 42 billion euros planned. However, these are still only discussions without formal decisions and which may not succeed.

A site complementary to that of Intel in Germany?

Since STMicro and GlobalFoundries have not embarked on the path of the finest engraving nodes, it will not be a question here of producing the most efficient components but rather of seeking energy efficiency on higher nodes.

If the fine engraving attracts the light of the media, a good part of the electronics industry uses components exploiting higher nodes, the production of which is well controlled and less expensive.

It is therefore rather in this area that the two firms would engage, which will also have the advantage of not having to confront Intel directly. The website The Register speculates that it could also give a boost to photonic components from GlobalFoundries, where light replaces the flow of electrons to transmit data in components.


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