
For Resident Evil fans, the future looks anything but bleak: you can now enjoy Part 7 and the remakes of 2 and 3 on current-gen hardware in top-quality graphics, and shortly before Halloween you’ll get something new with the Winters Expansion DLC fodder for Resident Evil Village and on March 24, 2023 then follows the remake of the fourth game.

Franchise fans are also spoiled away from the games: last year’s film wasn’t a hit, but the one that was released today was Netflix series seems to offer much more potential. Mostly because there’s a whole new story waiting for you there, the Billie and Jade Weskerthe daughters of Umbrella founder Albert Wesker.

When does the Resident Evil series start on Netflix and how many episodes does it have?

As mentioned, the Resident Evil series starting today, July 14th, available exclusively on Netflix, all episodes at once. No weekly release, no two dates like last time with Stranger Things: you can all eight episodes look from now on. The episodes are between 44 and 61 minutes long, giving you around seven hours of horror entertainment.

What is the all new Resident Evil series about?

The new Resident Evil series also has potential because it doesn’t want to retell the history of video games like last year’s flop film, but stands on its own two feet. await you two storieswhich play in two times, but are of course connected to each other: Once one Zombie Apocalypse in the year 2036 in Europe and once the fate of the Wesker daughters Billie and Jade, which will follow in the year 2022 New Raccoon City draw.

Again Show Producer Andrew Dabb opposite to games radar revealed, the Netflix series basically builds on the history of the games: “The games are our backstory. Everything that happened in the games exists in this world. So the village is there. We might not get there until Season 5, but it’s there in the world… The movies are a different story, but everything in the games is a backstory for our series.”

The post All information about the new horror series on Netflix appeared first on Gamingsym.