
This spring, Apple banned residents of Russia from using the Apple Pay payment service, and also limited purchases in the App Store. Bank cards are no longer needed in your Apple ID account, and they may even get in the way if you use other payment methods in applications.

Apple still allows you to pay for purchases in the App Store (including registration and renewal of subscriptions) by debiting money from your MTS or Beeline account, but payment by bank cards does not work. If a card is linked to your account, and Apple has not unlinked it, this can become a problem: if you try to automatically debit money for renewing a particular subscription, the payment will not go through, and there is a risk that this subscription will be canceled. Worst of all, if it was issued at a discounted price, which is valid only until you cancel it. If such a subscription is canceled, it may no longer be possible to purchase it at a discount, and then you will have to pay at the full price.

As in the case of Google Pay, bank cards added to the App Store or Apple ID do not make any sense for Russians, so you will not lose anything by untying them, and even win in terms of security.

How to unlink your Apple ID card: Take your iPhone or iPad, open Settings, go to your iCloud profile and select “Payment & Shipping”, find the card you want to unlink, and click on the “Remove Payment Method” button. If Apple ever returns the ability for Russians to pay for applications, games, subscriptions and other content using bank cards, it will be possible to add the card back.


The post How to remove bank cards from Apple ID (they are superfluous there) appeared first on Gamingsym.