
The strongest rocket ever launched by human beings is Saturn V, with a load of 140 tons in low-Earth orbit. It is a solid guarantee for the implementation of the American Apollo lunar landing program.

However, the Saturn V has long since been discontinued and retired. Musk’s SpaceX shoulders the heavy responsibility of manned landing on the moon and Mars in the future, and this relies on the Starship, which will double the thrust of the Saturn V. .

This week, SpaceX announced that the Starship had passed an EIA, clearing a major hurdle before an orbital launch test (which also requires a launch permit from the FAA).Musk is also excited to announce that the Starship is ready for its maiden flight next month.

The first flight here is not an official moon landing or a fire landing, but an extremely important orbital test. Previously, the N-multi-prototype of the starship has undergone several static and dynamic ignition tests and accumulated a lot of experience.

According to Musk, after July, there will be orbital test flights in August, and then once a month. This kind of development and deployment strength can be described as amazing.

It is reported that,The starship is mainly composed of a first-stage rocket called Super Heavy and a 50-meter-high space vehicle. They are all propelled by the Raptor Raptor engine. The first-stage rocket carries 33 Raptors, and the second-stage spacecraft requires 6.

For comparison, the Falcon 9 rocket, which has made countless contributions, is driven by nine Merlin engines in the first stage and only one in the second stage. At the same time, compared with the Raptor, Merlin is much smaller.

According to the data, NASA’s ambitious Artemis “return to the moon” plan, starship is the first player to sign the contract, and the goal is to achieve manned landing on the moon again in 2025 or 2026. Musk has even greater ambitions, hoping to bring humans to Mars at the same time to start a “colonial exploration” operation.

If you need to reprint, please be sure to indicate the source: Fast Technology

Responsible editor: Wan Nanarticle error correction

Hashtags: Musk SpaceX Starship Rocket

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