
Uncle Wolf Hugh Jackman posted a video on social media saying that he was diagnosed with the new crown again. The musical “The Music Man” starring him will also be replaced by Max Clayton from June 14th to 21st.

Social Media Videos:

It is reported that Hugh Jackman was infected with the new crown in December 2021, also during the performance of “The Music Man”.

Earlier, Hugh Jackman revealed that he tested positive for the new crown and had cold-like symptoms, a dry throat and a runny nose. He is currently in good health and will work hard to recover. I hope everyone stays safe, healthy and friendly.

He said that he will resume the recently-running Broadway musical “The Music Man” after it is confirmed in the future, which has also been announced to be temporarily suspended until January 1 next year.

Many fans also hope that Hugh Jackman can recover quickly. Before,Hugh Jackman posted a photo of being vaccinated against the new crown on social networks, with the text “Wolverine’s self-healing ability can’t protect me from the new crown, the vaccine can.” ????

Uncle Hugh is well known to mainland audiences for playing “Wolverine”. On May 7, 2015, he announced that he would play the role of Wolverine for the last time in “Wolverine 3”.

Video screen:

Uncle Wolf Hugh Jackman again diagnosed with new crown, suspended from Broadway musical

Uncle Wolf Hugh Jackman again diagnosed with new crown, suspended from Broadway musical

Hashtags: Wolverine actor new crown virus

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