Released a few months ago, the game Stranger Paradise: Final Fantasy Origin developed by the Team NINJA and edited by Square-Enix will get its first DLC on July 20. First of the three contents planned in the season pass, this addition planned by the publisher and the Japanese developer promises to be particularly strong. Indeed, beyond a new story that will allow us to meet and face Bahamut and the warrior of light, it will be possible to discover three new jobs: the summoner who will be able to summon the legendary dragon on the field of battle and unleash all its power, the illusionist will summon a spirit which will come to support it during the battle by paralyzing the enemies or by healing your allies, and the caster which will have the capacity to lengthen its weapon and to attract its opponents towards him or to throw themselves in close combat.
It should also be noted that this first DLC will allow the player to use accessories as equipment, which should provide special skills or statistical improvements. By playing in the higher difficulties, it will also be possible to obtain items of a different rarity and bearing the name of “chaos”. These objects promise to be particularly powerful, of course. Finally, the skill tree has been revised and can offer players who wish to change class easily.
This first DLC, titled “Trials of the Dragon Kingwill be available on July 20 and is included in the season pass which is sold for 29.99 euros.
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