
The Sandboxthe game with technology blockchain and NFT, and the token digital token platform Autograph, he announced a collaboration with Tony Hawk. With the good view of the skater has a turn in The Sandbox which promises to be the “mayor of metaverso skate park”segn dice el skater in the video of the presentation of the project. The propio Hawk be recreate the style voxel inside the virtual entrance. Adems, se pondrn in circulating tablets and other cosmetic elements that sern NFT.

The Sandbox is self-defining as a mix of “virtual real estate and attraction park”. Based on the blockchain technology Ethereum, the users can change cryptocurrencies to access virtual zones. Tambin can pued monetizar los assets Virtuals (NFT), created by gamers or compasses, vendors and other users. Create autograph NFT inspired by them skateboardequipment and clothing del patinador.

The Sandbox has these interoperable NFTs on its own, adjusting them avatares de alta fidelidad de Autograph in versions of three-dimensional voxel which has gameplay features for distinct experiences, adding use and value to its owners “, reflects the press release received by VGC. The thriller also shows an option with what users can podrn create your own suggestions skate.

The Sandbox have friends with Snoop Dog, Los PitufosUbisoft and the magazine TIME

“He’s a fan of the latest technologies all the time,” Hawk said in a press release, “from the first video games and personal desktops have the capabilities of the CGI; I am fascinated by the metaverso and emotional of bringing our culture to the virtual entourage the The Sandbox.

“We share our passion for innovation, creativity and the impetus to create something constant: it is the energy that feeds our metaverse of maintenance”, concludes the executive. The Sanbox has announced similar collaborations with The Walking DeadSnoop Dog, Gucci, Deadmu5Los Pitufos, Adidas, la revista TIME and the Rabbis of Ubisoft, among many others.

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