
Sony has introduced something called “PlayStation Stars” which is a kind of loyalty program similar to Microsoft Points and My Nintendo Gold Points. The idea behind PlayStation Stars is that players should be rewarded when they buy stuff in the PlayStation Store or achieve certain things when they play games.

The points that players earn in PlayStation Stars should then be able to be used to get other games cheaper or digital collectibles. Sony writes about these:

“Also, as part of PlayStation Stars, we are unveiling a new type of reward called” digital collectibles. ” Collectibles are as diverse as our portfolio of products and franchises.They are digital representations of things that PlayStation fans enjoy, including figurines of beloved and iconic characters from games and other forms of entertainment, as well as cherished devices that tap into Sony’s history of innovation . “

Sony has started testing PlayStation Stars now and will start rolling it out to PlayStation users sometime later this year.


Games, Sony,

playstation, playstation stars

Thanks to SirLorden

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