
Recently, a woman in Guangzhou bought a Zhang Xiaoquan kitchen knife. When someone tried to smash garlic with the kitchen knife, the blade broke. She complained to the customer service, “I have never seen such a fragile knife, and the knife can’t shoot garlic yet?” The reply from the customer service was: “A kitchen knife can’t shoot garlic.”

The woman posted her experience online, sparking heated discussions among netizens. Upstream News contacted the customer service of Zhang Xiaoquan’s self-operated store, and the answer was: “Our knives are not recommended to shoot food horizontally. If the force is not well grasped, the handle will easily break. If you want to shoot garlic, it is recommended to use the knife surface to lightly press (garlic) .”

This broken blade is engraved with the words “50Cr15Mov” and is a high-quality stainless steel material. in:

50 means the carbon content is 50/10000 (5/1000), it can be heat treated to HRC59, and the hardness is higher

Cr represents the composition of chromium, which affects corrosion and sharpness durability, and Cr15 represents 15% chromium content

MO represents molybdenum content between 0.25-0.75, high toughness

V means that the vanadium content is not less than 0.1, and the wear resistance will be better

Master Zheng, a technician at the quality inspection center of a steel company in Chongqing, said that in order to ensure the sharpness of the tool, the manufacturer must make the hardness of the quenched steel meet certain requirements, and the higher the hardness of the blade, the sharper it will be. However, knives with higher hardness materials are relatively brittle, and the knives cannot be deformed and fractured when horizontal shooting.

Experts remind: high-grade knives are very sharp and cut things quickly and smoothly, but such knives are fragile and easy to break when tapped. For family use, it is best not to buy high-grade knives.

On the 15th, Zhang Xiaoquan issued a statement about the “Guangzhou Customer Complaint Incident”, and apologized for the inappropriate communication method of customer service. Zhang Xiaoquan’s conventional knives can shoot garlic, and some with higher hardness are at risk of breaking knives.

Zhang Xiaoquan issued a statement saying that on July 14, the company’s official customer service contacted the consumers again, apologized for the inappropriate communication method of the customer service, and presented a new knife to show sincerity, which consumers can choose at the brand flagship store. One (shipped). On the night of July 14th, after the gift was issued, the company arranged a telephone return visit and informed the relevant knowledge of tool use and maintenance.

Zhang Xiaoquan's kitchen knife smashed the garlic, causing heated discussions. Official response: Unconditional refund

The statement also stated that the company’s attitude is to sincerely accept all relevant questions and criticisms, especially in the return and exchange process, regarding the reports of the company’s “Guangzhou customer complaint incident” on the Internet (including self-media and public channels of competing products). , The professional quality of customer service needs to increase the training and improvement.

Zhang Xiaoquan apologizes: conventional knives can shoot garlic and reiterate that there is a risk of knife breaking due to high hardness

If you need to reprint, please be sure to indicate the source: Fast Technology

Responsible editor: Snowflakearticle error correction

Hashtag: popular science Zhang Xiaoquan knife

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