
On July 16, data from the application market research firm Sensor Tower showed that the revenue of non-game applications in the Apple App Store in the United States has exceeded that of game applications, mainly due to the subscription model of smartphone applications to non-game applications. More earnings come.

Gaming apps have consistently generated more revenue than non-gaming apps since the advent of smartphone apps. But according to new data from Sensor Tower, the state of the U.S. Apple App Store market has changed.

Data Display,As of June, 50.3% of U.S. consumer spending on apps was concentrated on non-gaming apps like TikTok, Netflix, and Tinder. Recently, non-gaming app consumption has grown twice as fast as gaming apps. Gaming app spending exploded in late 2019 and early 2020, but non-gaming apps started catching up by the end of 2020 and will outpace gaming apps in 2021.

This is largely due to the recent shift to subscription-based business models by many non-gaming apps. Over the years, gaming apps have been able to generate more revenue not because they get more downloads, but because their long-term monetization model is clearer and more stable, and they profit from in-app transactions. This is not the case with non-gaming apps, many of which offer only a one-time purchase or a limited number of premium upgrades.

According to reports, in order to increase revenue from the Apple App Store, Apple has frequently promoted the benefits of the subscription model to developers, which has made the subscription model more and more common in non-game apps.

Although the subscription model is sometimes controversial for some users, it does increase the overall revenue of the applicable market. According to Sensor Tower data, in the second quarter of 2022, 400 apps in the Apple App Store have reached $1 million in revenue, and 61 apps have reached $10 million in revenue, far exceeding 2016 levels.

Notably, this is only true of app spending in the U.S. Apple App Store. Game app revenue in the Google Play Store is still higher than non-gaming apps. In the second quarter of 2022, U.S. consumers spent $2.3 billion on gaming apps in the Google Play Store, but only about $1 billion on non-gaming apps.

Outside of the U.S. market, gaming apps in the Apple App Store still dominate consumer spending.

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