A new trailer of Digimon Survive is now available to view. You will find out the release date and see some game scenes.
Bandai Namco Entertainment has announced the release date of Digimon Survive: The strategy role-playing game will be available on July 29, 2022 for PS4, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch and PC.
To share the date with fans, Bandai Namco uploaded a trailer. You can see a few excerpts from cutscenes and gameplay passages. We have included the video for you below:
Players are allowed to master a brand new adventure in a mysterious world. A group of teenagers get lost on a school trip and end up in the Digiworld. Monsters and dangers await the youngsters here.
During your adventure you will have to make several decisions. With this you influence the development of your Digimons and also the outcome of the story.
Battles are fought in a classic 2D style and are turn-based. So it’s all about the right tactics.
The developer promises an exciting anime story with unique characters and a great soundtrack. While the characters were designed by Uichi Ukumo, the soundtrack is by Tomoki Miyoshi.
More Digimon Survive news:
Digimon Survive is available for pre-order now. Just call them Bandai Namco official website on. An amount of 49.99 euros is required.
More Digimon Survive news.
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