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IT House July 16 news, Microsoft founder Bill Gates (Bill Gates) used to be the iconic figure of the world’s richest man. In the 27 years from 1995 to 2021, he was the world’s richest man for 18 years. But he doesn’t seem to care about his wealth anymore, as he plans to donate all of his assets to the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, a charitable organization he founded with his ex-wife Melinda. Foundation), he will also withdraw from the world’s richest list.

Bill Gates announced Wednesday, July 13, that he will donate $20 billion to his foundation to increase its annual spending. The donation, combined with the $3.1 billion donated by Warren Buffett last month, gave the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, a charitable organization he founded with his ex-wife Melinda. Gates Foundation) has received approximately $70 billion in donations.

While announcing the $20 billion donation, Gates tweeted three times in a row, mentioning several huge global setbacks over the past few years, leaving many discouraged and even wondering if the world could get any worse.

Under such circumstances, Gates made a major decision, saying, “Going forward, I plan to give almost all of my wealth to the foundation. I’m going to drop in the rankings and eventually drop out of the world’s richest list.”

Gates also said he has an obligation to give back his resources to society, and in this way, greatly reduce people’s suffering and improve their lives. Gates also shouted to other rich people: “I hope other people with great wealth and privilege can stand up at this moment.”

IT Home has learned that according to the Bloomberg Billionaires Index, Bill Gates currently has a net worth of about $113 billion, ranking fourth in the world.

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