
The man in his 30s who is considered to have run the drug trafficking site Flugsvamp 2.0 on darknet was today sentenced by the Svea Court of Appeal to 11 years and 8 months in prison.

The man was acquitted of the suspicions of running Flugsvamp 2.0 in the district court but is now convicted of extremely serious drug offenses, serious money laundering offenses, doping offenses and violations of the law on drug trafficking. The now convicted man is considered to have earned 1500 on bitcoin on Flugsvamp 2.0 between 2015 – 2018 when the site was shut down. Then these bitcoins were worth around SEK 11 million but are today worth around SEK 315 million.

It may take a while before the now convicted man gets to serve his prison sentence. Shortly before the verdict was announced, the man disappeared and he is now suspected of having left the country. Police believe he is in Turkey and the man has now been wanted internationally.

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