
Publisher PQube announces the arrival of Inertial Drift: Twilight Rivals Edition on Xbox Series X|S and PlayStation 5 in 2022. This game will not be an optimized version of the first Inertial Drift released in 2020, but very much the original game with more content. So a priori, no free update on the horizon for owners of the previous episode on One, you will have to go back to checkout. On the other hand, a DLC for older versions will appear on the same day!

This new Inertial Drift: Twilight Rivals Edition will offer the same gameplay as before. Either the left stick to steer the vehicle, and the right one to adjust the inclination of the drift. An original system but harshly effective, and very different from all comers. This sequel will offer a new story mode, based on a rivalry system, with 24 vehicles on 14 circuits (old + new). New-gen requires, we will have the choice between a “performance” mode in 120fps or another “quality”, in native 4K. And like any self-respecting competitive game, will offer an online multiplayer mode, but also local.

The DLC for old-gen consoles will offer the same new campaign, and four new cars on as many circuits. Other bonuses are planned, but not yet communicated. It remains to confirm the price of the Series version and this add-on, and then to position oneself to choose with complete peace of mind the version that suits us best!

You can find the test from Inertial Drift at this address.

The trailer for the Xbox One version :

The post Twilight Rivals Edition announced for Xbox Series X|S appeared first on Gamingsym.