
Last year, my country submitted a note to the United Nations, revealing that the “Starlink” satellite launched by Musk’s SpaceX has approached the Chinese space station twice. For safety reasons, the Chinese space station assembly implemented emergency collision avoidance twice.

In a document submitted by SpaceX to the FCC (Federal Communications Commission) this month, it said that in November last year, Russia conducted an anti-satellite test, and a satellite Kosmos 1408 in low-Earth orbit (LEO) was accurately hit,In order to avoid more than 1,500 debris clouds, Starlink satellites had to maneuver as many as 1,700 times.

It is understood that after the Starlink satellite is launched, it will first reach a parking orbit with an altitude of 350 kilometers. After the test and inspection are correct, it will be upgraded to an operating orbit of 550 kilometers and begin to provide Internet coverage. SpaceX explained that the docking orbit helps them verify the status of the satellite, and if there is a problem and cannot be adjusted, it will arrange to crash into the atmosphere. If you go directly to the 550-kilometer orbit, the crash will be more difficult.

The chart posted by SpaceX shows that the working orbit of my country’s Tiangong Space Station is 380 kilometers, and the International Space Station is 420 kilometers. The mobility operations of Starlink’s ascent and descent will overlap with the two. And according to SpaceX, from December last year to May this year, they made as many as 6,873 orbit changes.

Musk SpaceX: Starlink satellites moved 1,700 times to avoid Russian space debris

However, SpaceX emphasized that thanks to frequent operations, they verified the reliability of the maneuvering system, with a collision probability of only 0.00001, which is an order of magnitude lower than the industry standard.

It is reported that SpaceX has launched more than 2,500 Starlink satellites, with an ultimate goal of 12,000. During the reporting period, a total of 52 satellites were out of orbit, and 5 satellites were completely out of control. This year, 6 satellites had problems that were difficult to handle properly, including failures in computing systems, braking systems, power systems, and attitude control systems. Wait.

Musk SpaceX: Starlink satellites moved 1,700 times to avoid Russian space debris

If you need to reprint, please be sure to indicate the source: Fast Technology

Responsible editor: Wan Nanarticle error correction

Hashtag: SpaceX Starlink Satellite

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