
IT House News on July 17, according to CCTV News, according to the China Manned Space Engineering Office,The Tianzhou-3 cargo spacecraft has completed all the scheduled tasksat 10:59 on July 17, Beijing timeevacuated space station complex.

The Tianzhou-3 cargo spacecraft was launched into orbit at the Wenchang launch site in Hainan on September 20, 2021.Send about 6 tons of supplies to the space station. At present, the Tianzhou-3 cargo spacecraft is in good condition.Subsequent re-entry into the atmosphere will be selected under ground control.

In addition, the Tianzhou-3 cargo spacecraftIt also carries payloads such as space debris detection payloads. The space debris detection payload belongs to the cargo spacecraft space technology test subsystem, including an optical camera, an on-orbit data processing unit and a temperature control unit.

As of March this year,Space debris detection payload captures thousands of images in orbiton-orbit breakthroughs and verification of key technologies such as the design of a large field of view and high-sensitivity detection payload optical system, the on-orbit detection and identification algorithm and processing of space dim and weak targets, and the rapid processing of massive data on-orbit. Space-based space-based short-arc orbit determination and correlation, and the full link has verified the detection, identification, orbit determination, correlation and application of space-based space debris.

IT House understands that the construction of the Chinese space station will be completed this year,Then enter the application and development stagethe Tianzhou cargo spacecraft is used as a cargo and supply transportation platform for the space station,The launch will be carried out at an average frequency of 2 ships per year.

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