
Recently, after record high temperatures occurred in many parts of the country, another round of heavy rainfall was ushered in.

On the afternoon of July 17, Shanghai encountered strong convective weather, and strong thunderstorm clouds swept across the urban area of ​​Shanghai, comparable to a typhoon crossing the border. The Xujiahui station, known as the “black hole of wind measurement”, measured a sixth-level wind of 12 m/s.

The rain was strong and the wind was strong, and a tree was blown down on Maoming South Road on Middle Yan’an Road.

According to China Weather Network, in the past two hours, the “free shipping area” in Jiangsu, Zhejiang and Shanghai encountered strong convective weather and was affected by rainfall.The temperature in Shanghai also dropped from a high temperature above 35℃ to less than 30℃.This is because Jiangsu, Zhejiang and other places are on the edge of the subtropical high, and there are low vortices in the lower layers, which triggered strong convection in the afternoon.

At present, the heavy rainfall belt is advancing to the east, and friends in northern Zhejiang, Shanghai and other places should take precautions and try not to stay outdoors.

In addition, there are new convective rain belts developing and moving eastward in southern Anhui, Jiangsu and other places. Some areas may encounter multiple rounds of short-term strong wind and rain. Everyone must pay attention to protection!

Heavy rain hits Shanghai comparable to a typhoon crossing: trees are blown down by strong winds, and the temperature plummets by 10 degrees

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Hashtag: Shanghai rainstorm typhoon

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