
According to Sina Technology, in response to the Italian fine of 3.2 million euros (about 21.76 million yuan), Xiaomi responded that it is evaluating and the company has always reduced its holdings in legal compliance operations.

Xiaomi said it had taken note of the decision of the Italian Competition Authority,and is evaluating the reasons behind it.

“Xiaomi has always adhered to legal and compliant operations and abides by the relevant laws and regulations of the place of operation.Xiaomi is committed to providing every Italian user with the best possible after-sales service experience. “

The Italian Competition Authority has announced a decision to fine Xiaomi 3.2 million euros. The agency said that when products (still covered by warranty) showed scratches or other minor defects, Xiaomi Technology Italia Co., Ltd. refused to repair, hurting consumers. rights of the person.

If you need to reprint, please be sure to indicate the source: Fast Technology

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