
IT House June 17 news, this evening, YTO Express issued an announcement, disclosing the main operating data of the express business in May 2022.

According to the announcement, YTO Express achieved a revenue of 3.902 billion yuan from express products in May.A year-on-year increase of 30.33%; The completed business volume was 1.554 billion votes,A year-on-year increase of 5.75%; The single ticket income of express products is 2.51 yuan,A year-on-year increase of 23.24%.

IT House learned that YTO Express stated that from the end of 2021, the settlement model of the Cainiao wrapping business in the company’s express delivery business will be adjusted from the original settlement of Hangzhou Cainiao Supply Chain Management Co., Ltd. and franchisees to direct settlement with the company. In May 2022, the company’s Cainiao wrap business will affect the express product single ticket revenue of about 0.07 yuan due to the above adjustments.The company’s express product single ticket revenue was 2.44 yuan, a year-on-year increase of 19.58%.

YTO Express

As a comparison, YTO Express’s express product revenue in April was 3.122 billion yuan, an increase of 10.78% year-on-year; business completed 1.246 billion tickets, a year-on-year decrease of 4.83%, and a single ticket revenue of 2.51 yuan, an increase of 16.41 yuan year-on-year.

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