
The marriage of the super rich seems to be difficult to last.

After Amazon founder Jeff Bezos and Microsoft founder Bill Gates divorced,Google co-founder Sergey Brin, the world’s sixth-richest man, has filed for divorce from his wife of three years, Nicole Shanahan.

This isn’t the first time Brin has been divorced. Brin was also previously married to 23andMe co-founder Anne Wojcicki, which ended in divorce in 2015.

Brin filed an application to dissolve his marriage to Nicole Shanahan this month, citing “irreconcilable differences,” court documents show.

It is understood that the two have a son who is three years old this year.

According to the data, Nicole Shanahan is an attorney in California and a researcher at CodeX, Stanford University’s Center for Legal Informatics. Shanahan is a Chinese girl with a Chinese mother.

According to the Bloomberg Billionaires Index,Sergey Brin, 48, is sitting on a personal wealth of $94 billion (about 630 billion yuan), mainly from his holdings in Google.

In 1998, he co-founded Google with Larry Page, which was later restructured into holding company Alphabet.

While both he and Page left Alphabet in 2019, they remain on the board and remain controlling shareholders.

Google founder Brin announced to file for divorce: wife is Chinese mother-in-law is Chinese

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