
Since two o’clock last night, there have been major disturbances on the emergency number 112 and it is very difficult to get there. The malfunction will affect “some” of the 15 exchanges that exist.

– We still do not know what it is due to, but we hope to get clarity in it after the meeting, says communications manager Staffan Ekengren to TT. The emergency number 112 works, however, it can mean longer response times due to the interference. Troubleshooting is in progress right now. Of course, we hope that it will be possible to take action as soon as possible.

The reports on how it is possible to arrive are different, some say that it is possible to arrive but that it takes a long time, others that it is not possible to arrive at all. The police regions Stockholm, West and South say that they have had significantly less incoming calls than usual during the night.


Society, Communication,

sos alarm, disturbances

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