— Radu Cadar / Shutterstock.com

It is a particular phenomenon that takes place every year in Austria, in the Land of Styria. A lake, created by the melting of the glaciers, covers in the spring what is, the rest of the year, a park and a hiking trail.

the Gruner See, literally “green lake”, in Austria only exists for a few months of the year. Indeed, it only appears at the end of spring, when the snow melts. The water then submerges the trees, the benches, the paths… effectively creating a lake. Its name of “green lake” comes from the color given to it by the trees, the leaves, the vegetation which, the rest of the year, make it a park like any other.

Thus, for a few months, it is an almost unreal vision that we witness: a hiking trail with benches and trees completely covered by water. Because this lake has another particularity: it is completely transparent. Indeed, the water from the snow, filled with minerals, is naturally filtered and freed of its impurities.

However, this natural beauty is not without consequences. Such a phenomenon attracts divers from all over the world as well as an influx of visitors, causing pollution and endangering the ecosystem. This is why the authorities banned all nautical activity there in 2016, in order to preserve the site. To go further, here are 10 lakes around the world that seem to come from another planet.

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