
Most of the ground temperature in Henan Province is above 50 ℃ and the highest is 68 ℃: citizens actually log the manhole cover to bake eggs

On June 18, high temperature weather above 37°C occurred in most of the north of the Huaihe River in Henan Province. Among them, the temperature at Tangyin, Linzhou, and Jiaozuo stations exceeded 40°C, with the highest being 40.5°C in Tangyin and 37.9°C at Zhengzhou Station. The ground temperature monitoring at 15:00 on the 18th showed that most of the ground temperature in Henan Province was above 50 °C, some counties and cities were above 60 °C, the highest in Qixian County was 68 °C, and the ground temperature at Zhengzhou Station was 61 °C.

The Central Meteorological Observatory continued to issue a high temperature orange warning at 18:00 on June 18: It is expected that during the day on June 19, there will be high temperatures above 35 ℃ in western and central and southern North China, Huanghuai, eastern Jianghuai, Guanzhong in Shaanxi, central and western Inner Mongolia, and northern Hainan Island. Weather, among them, the highest temperature in parts of central and northern Inner Mongolia, southern Hebei, central and western Shandong, northern and central and eastern Henan, northern Anhui, and northern Jiangsu is 37-39 °C. above 40°C.

Most of the ground temperature in Henan Province is above 50 ℃ and the highest is 68 ℃: citizens actually log the manhole cover to bake eggs

Tonight, it will be cloudy and cloudy in the south, and there will be showers and thunderstorms in the south of Xinyang; other counties and cities will be cloudy with sunny days.

Tomorrow, it will be cloudy and cloudy in the southwest and south, scattered showers and thunderstorms in Nanyang, Xinyang, and southern Zhumadian; other counties and cities will be cloudy with sunny days.

The southerly winds in Henan Province changed from 2 to 3 to southeasterly winds of 3 to 4, and gusts of about 6 in the afternoon.

Minimum temperature: 20-22℃ in western mountainous areas; 24-26℃ in other counties and cities.

The highest temperature: 35-37°C in the west and south; 39-41°C in the north; 37-39°C in other counties and cities.

From the 20th to the 22nd, most of the province will continue to experience high temperatures above 37°C, and the highest temperature in some counties and cities in the north and central regions will reach 40-42°C.

Su Aifang said that the cause of the high temperature weather was mainly affected by the warm and low pressure on the ground, resulting in most of Henan’s sunny, hot and less rainy weather. Coupled with the influence of short-wave radiation from the sun during the day, the atmosphere is dry, which is conducive to the gradual rise of the ground temperature. At the same time, Henan is controlled by high-altitude high-pressure ridges, and subsidence airflow prevails, forming a certain subsidence warming effect, resulting in high temperature weather under the combined effect of radiation warming and subsidence warming.

At 07:20 on June 18, the Zhengzhou Meteorological Observatory continued to issue a red warning signal for high temperature. During the daytime, the highest temperature in the main urban area, airport area and Shangjie district of Zhengzhou will rise above 40℃. At noon on the 17th, some citizens scrambled eggs on a manhole cover at nearly 60 degrees Celsius. The eggs solidified and formed in an hour, and they were about eight or nine minutes cooked. The street courier works shirtless, and the sanitation personnel are fully armed to resist the high temperature. According to the staff of the Henan Provincial Meteorological Bureau, the highest temperature in Henan’s history since the establishment of the station was 44.6 ℃.

Most of the ground temperature in Henan Province is above 50 ℃ and the highest is 68 ℃: citizens actually log the manhole cover to bake eggs

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