
The annual 618 is the best time to buy notebooks in the first half of the year. If you miss today, if you want a good price, you can only wait for Double 11 in half a year. But the problem is that in the face of hundreds of notebook models, not to mention novices, even many veterans are unable to start. Today’s topic is to choose thin and light notebooks. We will try to choose the most distinctive notebook models and recommend them to everyone based on the premise of cost-effectiveness, so that everyone can spend as little money as possible to buy their favorite notebooks. So, what should you pay attention to when buying a thin and light notebook? 1. CPU In the first quarter of this year, Intel and AMD successively launched 12-generation Core Alder Lake-H series processors and Ryzen 6000U/6000H series processors. The former adopts the latest Intel 7 process technology and large and small core design, which can not be improved in performance or energy efficiency ratio. As for AMD, the Ryzen 6000U/6000H uses TSMC’s 6nm process technology, which is a big improvement in all aspects compared to its previous generation of Ryzen 5000 series mobile processors. Based on the principle of buying a new one or not, we will try our best to recommend the latest processors released this year. 2. Save .
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The post How to choose a thin and light book It is enough to read this! Recommended 9 thin and light notebooks worth buying in the first half of 2022 appeared first on Gamingsym.