
Recently, the high temperature weather in many parts of the country has entered summer in an all-round way, which has also led to the proliferation of a number of “poisonous insects” in summer. Recently, many accidents caused by some insects have been exposed. Including ticks, octopuses, centipedes, etc. Among them, ticks, centipedes, etc., after years of popular science, most netizens can clearly identify them and deal with them effectively, but octopuses have been ignored by everyone before. Video experts reminded that the cryptoptera is actually a very scary creature, known as “flying sulfuric acid”. You must avoid touching it, especially if you can’t shoot it. If it flies on the body, it can bounce off or blow it away with your mouth. It is reported that the cryptoptera, also known as “shadow worms” and “blue waist worms”, is a general name for beetles of the family Coleoptera, belonging to the class Insecta, Coleoptera, and the family Cryptoptera. It is known that there are more than 58,500 species in the world, and they are distributed all over the world. The scariest thing about this little bug is that it secretes a venom with a pH of 1-2 (similar to the pH of ordinary hydrochloric acid), which is very corrosive to human skin and can cause intense burns, Dermatitis with redness, blisters or even ulceration.
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