
We all know that Station B is mainly based on long videos, and is known for its slightly deeper content, which is obviously different from short videos such as Douyin. But did you know that Station B has also made a short video app? A few days ago, the “Light Video” App officially produced by Station B issued a suspension announcement stating that due to business development adjustments, the Light Video App will be suspended on June 30, 2022. This light video is actually a short video platform created by Station B. The overall operation, layout, and some video content are similar to Douyin. The video presentation method is also mainly vertical short video, and you can change the video by swiping up and down. Judging from the feedback from netizens, most people, even in-depth users of station B, do not know this app. According to the official announcement, after the shutdown, all versions of the Light Video App will not be able to log in, display or run, and works shared outside the App will not be able to jump and access. Before that, the content of the works, including published manuscripts and draft videos, can be downloaded and saved locally, which can help users retain memories. The follow-up list in the account is also retained until June 30. You can click the main avatar of the UP you have followed to enter the light video homepage, and jump to its B station homepage to continue.
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