
Announcement of the winners of the Academy Awards: Best Picture, Actor/Actress at a glance, and tribute to the late filmmaker

The list of winners of the 40th Hong Kong Film Awards has been released,“Rage: Serious Case” won 4 awards including Best Picture and Best Director, “Anita Mui” won 5 awards including Best New Actor and Best Supporting Actress, 85-year-old Xie Xian won the Academy Award for Best Actor, and Liu Yasser became the best actor. The ninth Academy Award Mainland actress.

Best Picture: “Furious”

Best Director: Chen Musheng, “Rage: Serious Crime”

Best Actor: Xie Xian, “Twilight”

Best Actress: Arthur Liu, “Wisdom Tooth”

Best Screenplay: Ou Jianer, Cen Junqian, “Wisdom Tooth”

Best New Actor: Danni Wang, “Anita Mui”

New director: Chen Jianlang, “Rolling Cigarettes”

Best Cinematography: Zheng Zhaoqiang “Wisdom Teeth”

Best Supporting Actor: Feng Haoyang, “Mom’s Wonder Boy”

Best Supporting Actress: Liao Ziyu, “Anita Mui”

Best Movie Song: The Original Intention of Time “One Second”

Best Original Movie Music: Ryuichi Sakamoto, “The First Incense”

Best Art Direction: Mak Kwok Keung, Wang Huiyin “Wisdom Tooth”

Best Costume Design: Wu Lilu, Ye Jiayin “Anita Mui”

Best Editing: Peng Zhengxi, “Rage, Serious Crime”

Best Action Design: Donnie Yen, Gu Xuanzhao, Tanigaki Kenji, Li Zhongzhi, “Rage: Serious Crime”

Best Visual Effects: Yu Guoliang, Lin Jiale, Liang Weimin, Hong Minshi “Anita Mui”

Best sound effects: Du Duzhi, Wu Shuyao “Anita Mui”

Best Asian Chinese Movie: “American Girl”

Lifetime Achievement Award: Xu Guanwen

Professional Spirit Award: Zhou Guozhong

In addition, Wu Mengda, Li Xiangqin, Liao Qizhi, Chen Musheng, Wang Yu, Chu Yuan, Zeng Jiang, Luo Qirui… At the awards ceremony, a video was passed to mourn the filmmakers who left us.

Hashtags: film cinema film festival

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