
But some people follow their habits and, if necessary, buy an inexpensive modem with Fast Ethernet. Alas, in modern realities it is often not enough. The modem is new, the tariff is good, but the Internet is still slow. What is going wrong?

It’s about the communication standard. When the realities of life began to demand faster Internet, Gigabit Ethernet came to replace the Fast Ethernet specification. It is gigabit Ethernet that is considered today the best choice in terms of speed, which at home provides fast downloading of data packets.

What is gigabit ethernet?

In short, this is the fastest wired Internet option available to a wide range of private and corporate subscribers, with a maximum network bandwidth of 1000 Mbps (or 1 Gbps).

Before Gigabit Ethernet, ISPs offered Fast Ethernet, a data transfer standard with a maximum bandwidth of 100 Mbps. Sometimes Fast Ethernet equipment is referred to as 10/100 Ethernet, and Gigabit Ethernet as 10/100/1000 Ethernet.

The speed of gigabit Ethernet is not the limit. Users of the Google Fiber network have a throughput of up to 2 Gb / s, and some Xfinity clients up to 3 Gb / s. But those are premium offers available to US subscribers. There are also 10 Gbps connections, but for ordinary users such a connection is too expensive, so it is mainly used in office buildings and industrial facilities. Manufacturers are just beginning to mass-produce 2.5 Multi-Gig consumer hardware with a maximum speed of 2.5 Gbps.

Why do you need gigabit ethernet at home?

If two or more people live in an apartment, then this fact alone is enough to buy high-speed network equipment. After all, every family member will want to have a normal connection on all devices without freezing. A lonely living person will also benefit for a number of reasons.

1. High speed

The main reason people switch from Fast Ethernet to Gigabit Ethernet is speed. Data transmission over fiber optic cable can be 10 times faster than Fast Ethernet, which is implemented on twisted pair.

Over time, all programs, video games and other software require more storage space and resources to run, including network resources. Naturally, the increase in Internet speed will solve many problems with the launch of online services.

2. Less delay

Gamers are familiar with terms such as ping and latency. They also know that getting rid of a large delay in the transmission of Internet data is an art. Sometimes it is necessary to eliminate defects both in software and in hardware. There is no way to do without good network equipment.

For online gaming, fast internet is a non-negotiable necessity. 1 Gbps Ethernet provides instant communication between the PC and the game server, including feedback when pressing mouse and keyboard buttons. All this, of course, happens many times faster than with Fast Ethernet.

For those who do not play games, but watch online movies and series, high-speed Internet is also necessary. It speeds up the download of streaming data, so the work on the Internet is faster for the same reasons – the speed is higher, there are less delays.

3. Wider bandwidths

Efficient use of network capabilities again leads to high data transfer rates and shortened download times. This will be noticeable in any activity, even in games, even in a banal mail check.

With high bandwidth, you can receive a large amount of data simultaneously on different devices.

When is gigabit ethernet not needed?

If the Internet is not required for work, and in general at home the need for it is not too high, then you do not need to buy a modem with gigabit Ethernet. Sooner or later, it will still become the norm, just as now the minimum Internet speed is 100 Mbps. There are other nuances.

1. Requires compatible hardware

Before buying a gigabit ethernet router, you need to make sure that all home equipment, including the Internet cable itself, supports high data speeds.

If your home Internet wire supports gigabit speed, it will be enough to replace the old router with a modern one with Gigabit Ethernet support. You may not even have to buy: some providers provide their subscribers with routers for rent.

A router with Wi-Fi 6 does not need to be changed. It is already configured to run at gigabit speed.

Some fiber-based services, such as Verizon Fios or Google Fiber, require an additional device that is responsible for converting the fiber signal – an optical network terminal.

2. High price

Upgrading all your home equipment (cables, network cards, routers) can be overwhelming. Plus, you will have to switch to a new tariff plan, which implies additional monthly expenses. Not all users will find this solution appropriate.

Can you connect Gigabit Ethernet?

The service is provided in all major cities. The restrictions apply only to rural areas where fiber optic cable has not yet been laid.

Search the Internet in your locality for providers offering gigabit Ethernet. If the query is unsuccessful, the service may be advertised as fiber optic internet.

The presence of a fiber optic network does not always mean that local providers have gigabit rates.

Fast internet is not a luxury but a necessity

In the modern world, spending on the Internet has become commonplace along with utility bills. How could it be otherwise, because so many actions are performed online today – study, work, paperwork and purchases.

If today gigabit Ethernet can still be called a premium service, then in the foreseeable future it will become the norm, because the need for fast and high-quality communication will be even greater – home smart networks, interest in video games, TV shows and just the desire to quickly load Internet pages will do their job . Then the question of connecting it or not connecting it at all will not stand.

Source: www.makeuseof.com

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