
IT House June 18 news, NASA’s Artemis 1 rocket, which will be used in the return to the moon mission, began an important test today and will continue until Monday (June 20). ).

If all goes well, NASA’s large Space Launch System (SLS) rocket and Orion capsule could be heading to the moon by late summer.

The wet rehearsal is scheduled to begin at 5 p.m. ET, when NASA will convene the ground team at NASA’s Kennedy Space Center (KSC) in Florida for approximately 48 hours of rehearsal where the Artemis 1 team will inject cryogenic fuel In the first and second stage, everything is business as usual except that the launch button will not be pressed at the last minute. If crews do not experience any issues tonight or tomorrow, propellant loading is scheduled to begin at 7:00 a.m. ET on Monday.

If the test goes well, SLS and Orion will stay on the launch pad for a few more days to get the technicians ready. The Artemis 1 team will then analyze the data from this rehearsal and perform any maintenance work required for the rocket or launch tower.

Unless any further glitches are discovered during this wet rehearsal, NASA hopes Artemis 1 can launch as early as late August.

“NASA SLS rocket will have wet rehearsal again, “Artemis 1″ is expected to fly for the first time in August”

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